Challenge # 1: How to sustain productivity and well-being in the remote and hybrid business environment.
TerconPartner’s response: “The productivity and well-being of team members depends primarily on one person — the Leader.”
Leaders need to be “Community Builders.”
Definition of “community” – Everyone feels included, has a sense of purpose, and is aware of their role as part of a larger organization. Our leadership development training programs develop leaders who can grow into community builders.
Challenge # 1: How to sustain productivity and well-being in the remote and hybrid business environment.
TerconPartner’s response: “The productivity and well-being of team members depends primarily on one person — the Leader.”
Leaders need to be “Community Builders.”
Definition of “community” – Everyone feels included, has a sense of purpose, and is aware of their role as part of a larger organization. Our leadership development training programs develop leaders who can grow into community builders.
Leading In The Post-Pandemic Business Environment
“Leadership is a relationship between people who aspire to lead and those who choose whether or not to follow.”
– James Kouzes & Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge
Tercon’s Comment:
Great leaders are willing to hold difficult conversations rather than glossing over the truth, even though it might temporarily lower morale. Our leadership development training programs are custom tailored to your business.

The pandemic that upended the world of work left daunting business and leadership challenges in its wake. The rapid transition from office-based work to remote working accelerated the transition from hierarchy to a network of teams as the organizing principle for how work gets done. As a consequence, leaders and followers are renegotiating the “rules of engagement” in the workplace – wherever it may be.
Leading In The Post-Pandemic Business Environment
“Leadership is a relationship between people who aspire to lead and those who choose whether or not to follow.”
– James Kouzes & Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge
Tercon’s Comment:
Great leaders are willing to hold difficult conversations rather than glossing over the truth, even though it might temporarily lower morale. Our leadership development training programs are custom tailored to your business.

The pandemic that upended the world of work left daunting business and leadership challenges in its wake. The rapid transition from office-based work to remote working accelerated the transition from hierarchy to a network of teams as the organizing principle for how work gets done. As a consequence, leaders and followers are renegotiating the “rules of engagement” in the workplace – wherever it may be.

Leaders help teams build a sense of community when they:
– Encourage members to share information and get to know each other
– Facilitate the development of a common vision and goals
– Empower teams to make decisions independently
– Provide positive recognition for team and individual accomplishments.
Micro-managing – The one thing leaders should avoid doing at all costs. It does not improve productivity and runs the risk of signaling mistrust.
Focus instead on results when communicating with team members:
What has been accomplished? What barriers have you encountered and/or overcome? What do you need from me?
Challenge # 1: How to sustain productivity and well-being in the remote and hybrid business environment.
TerconPartner’s response: “The productivity and well-being of team members depends primarily on one person — the Leader.”
Leaders need to be “Community Builders.”
Definition of “community” – Everyone feels included, has a sense of purpose, and is aware of their role as part of a larger organization. Our leadership development training programs develop leaders who can grow into community builders.
Leaders help teams build a sense of community when they:
– Encourage members to share information and get to know each other
– Facilitate the development of a common vision and goals
– Empower teams to make decisions independently
– Provide positive recognition for team and individual accomplishments.
Micro-managing – The one thing leaders should avoid doing at all costs. It does not improve productivity and runs the risk of signaling mistrust.
Focus instead on results when communicating with team members:
What has been accomplished? What barriers have you encountered and/or overcome? What do you need from me?

Challenge # 2: How to maintain the trust of followers during times of disruption and uncertainty
TerconPartner’s response: Low trust is bad for business, bad for people and must be addressed directly.
“When trust is low in a company or relationship it places a hidden “tax” on every transaction, every communication, every interaction, every strategy, every decision and brings speed down and sending costs up.” — Stephen M.H. Covey
Outcomes of High and Low Trust of Leaders
When Trust in Leaders is High:
* Employee engagement and commitment increases.
* The quality of team collaboration and innovation increases.
* Communication across the company is open and transparent.
* It is easier for the company to recruit and retain talent.

Challenge # 2: How to maintain the trust of followers during times of disruption and uncertainty
TerconPartner’s response: Low trust is bad for business, bad for people and must be addressed directly.
“When trust is low in a company or relationship it places a hidden “tax” on every transaction, every communication, every interaction, every strategy, every decision and brings speed down and sending costs up.” — Stephen M.H. Covey
Outcomes of High and Low Trust of Leaders
When Trust in Leaders is High:
* Employee engagement and commitment increases.
* The quality of team collaboration and innovation increases.
* Communication across the company is open and transparent.
* It is easier for the company to recruit and retain talent.

“Great leaders create great cultures regardless of the one that currently dominants in their organization. They’re confident in their ability to sustain what’s working well and change what is not.”

“Great leaders create great cultures regardless of the one that currently dominants in their organization. They’re confident in their ability to sustain what’s working well and change what is not.”

Challenge # 3: How to prevent conflict from eroding individual and team performance.
TerconPartner’s response: If you are a leader today, it is your job to see that potentially divisive conflicts are addressed early and resolved constructively.
The disruption caused by the pandemic has resulted in a significant increase in workplace conflict. A recent Myers-Briggs study of 5,000 workers across nine countries found that 85% of participants reported increased conflict at work.

Symptoms of Conflict in Teams
In the hybrid environment, symptoms of unresolved conflict frequently show up in team meetings
If your team regularly experiences one or more of these symptoms, contact us for information about our “Clear the Air Tool”.
When this process is skillfully facilitated: 1.) The “real” issues get put on the table, and 2.) Long–standing relationship barriers that jeopardize business results are removed.
Call us at 913-488-5914 or Email us at for details.
Challenge # 3: How to prevent conflict from eroding individual and team performance.
TerconPartner’s response: If you are a leader today, it is your job to see that potentially divisive conflicts are addressed early and resolved constructively.
The disruption caused by the pandemic has resulted in a significant increase in workplace conflict. A recent Myers-Briggs study of 5,000 workers across nine countries found that 85% of participants reported increased conflict at work.

Symptoms of Conflict in Teams
In the hybrid environment, symptoms of unresolved conflict frequently show up in team meetings
If your team regularly experiences one or more of these symptoms, contact us for information about our “Clear the Air Tool”.
When this process is skillfully facilitated: 1.) The “real” issues get put on the table, and 2.) Long–standing relationship barriers that jeopardize business results are removed.
If you would like to learn more about Leadership Development Training Programs from TerconPartners Inc.
Call us at 913-488-5914 or Email us at for details.
What our Clients are Saying
“Over the past 15 years I’ve found TeconPartners to be a valuable partner in building and sustaining a well-functioning organization”.
– CEO of International Medical Association
“Our managers have been through a lot of negative change. Tercon built close relationships with our people and helped them learn new skills that prepared them for future transitions.”
– EVP, Global Engineering & Construction Firm
“Business uncertainty caused trust in our leadership to decline, Tercon coached our leaders to communicate openly about business challenges and get the “real issues” resolved. Tercon’s process was very effective.”
– Sr. Vice-President, Global Engineering & Construction Company
TerconPartners’ Core Services as Leadership Training Consultants:
We help executives and senior leaders:
fine–tune skills in guiding change, coaching & developing people, building high-functioning teams, and managing multiple stakeholders.
For teams and team managers:
as leadership training consultants we offer individual and group coaching that develops skills for the hybrid environment including how to: 1.) Set clear direction, 2.) Build an inclusive team culture, 3.) Provide performance feedback and coaching, 4.) Resolve team conflict and disagreements.